
Laboratory of Programmed Cell Death and Diseases




E-mail: drcaizhenyu@tongji.edu.cn 


      蔡振宇教授主要从事坏死性凋亡的分子机制及其相关肿瘤和炎症性疾病的研究。入选青年海外高层次人才引进计划,获得科技部,国家自然科学基金,宁夏自治区重点研发计划及上海市科委等项目资助。近五年来,研究成果以通讯作者或第一作者发表在Nat Cell Biol, Cell ResearchPNAS, Cancer Research, Br J Pharmacol, J Med Chem等杂志。其中2篇的研究论文入选ESI1%高被引论文。申报国内专利4项。



2017年2月—2020年5月: 研究员,海军军医大学第三附属医院

2011年2月—2017年2月: 访问学者 (Visiting Fellow),美国国立卫生研究院


2003年9月—2006年6月: 硕士,遗传学,湖南师范大学

1999年9月—2003年6月: 本科,生物技术,湖南师范大学



1.   抗坏死性细胞凋亡小分子药物筛选、鉴定与临床应用。

2.   坏死性细胞凋亡及其所诱发的炎症反应与肿瘤发生发展的关系。

3.   坏死性细胞凋亡的分子机制。 


1    Rui C, Shi S, Ren W, Qin X, Zhuang C, Chen X, Chen G, Yu J, Wang H#, Cai Z#. The multitargeted kinase inhibitor KW-2449 ameliorates cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity by targeting RIPK1-mediated necroptosis. 2021, Biochem Pharmacol. 2;188:114542. 

2    Qin X, Hu L, Shi SN, Chen X, Zhuang C, Zhang W, Jitkaew S, Pang X, Yu J, Tan YX#, Wang HY#, Cai Z#. The Bcr-Abl inhibitor GNF-7 inhibits necroptosis and ameliorates acute kidney injury by targeting RIPK1 and RIPK3 kinases. 2020,Biochem Pharmacol. 177:113947.

3    Qin X, Ma D, Tan Y#, Wang H#, Cai Z#. The role of necroptosis in cancer: a double-edged sword? 2019, Biochim Biophys Acta Rev Cancer, 1871:259-266. (#, Correspondence author) (Review)

4    Chen X, Zhuang C†,#, Ren Y, Zhang H, Qin X, Hu L, Fu J, Miao Z, Chai Y, Liu Z, Cai Z#, Wang H# , Identification of TAK-632 and its analogues as potent inhibitors of necroptosis by targeting RIPK1 and RIPK3, 2019, Br J Pharmacol, 176(12):2095-2108.

5    Zhang H, Xu L, Qin X, Chen X, Cong H, Hu L, Miao Z, Zhang W#, Cai Z#, Zhuang C#. TAK-632 Analogues as Novel Necroptosis Inhibitors Selectively Targeting RIPK3: Synthesis, Structure-Activity Relationships and In Vivo Efficacy, 2019, J Med Chem, 62(14):6665-6681.

6    Cai Z, Zhang A, Choksi S, Li W, Li T, Zhang X, and Liu Z. Activation of cell surface proteases promotes necroptosis, inflammation and cell migration. 2016, Cell Research, 26(8):886-900.

7    Cai Z, Jitkaew S, Zhao J, Chiang H, Choksi S, Liu J, Ward E, Wu L, Liu Z. Plasma membrane translocation of trimerized MLKL protein is required for TNF-induced necroptosis. Nat Cell Biol. 2014; 16(1):55-65. (†, equal contribution) (ESI Highly Cited Paper)




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