
Laboratory of Cancer Metastasis


1. She X*, Shen S*, Chen G*, Gao Y*, Ma J, Gao Y, Liu Y, Gao G, Zhao Y, Wang C, Jiang C#, Wang P#, Qin H#, Gao H#. Immune surveillance of brain metastatic cancer cells is mediated by IFITM1. EMBO J. 2023 Feb. 17;e111112.

(# corresponding author) (* equal contributions)

2. Chen G*, She X*, Yin Y*, Ma J*, Gao Y, Gao H#, Qin H#, and Fang J#. Targeting TM4SF1 exhibits therapeutic potential via inhibition of cancer stem cells. Signal Transduct. Target. Ther. 2022 Oct. 14;7(1):350.

(# corresponding author) (* equal contributions)

3. Gao H#*, Chakraborty G*, Zhang Z, Akalay I, Gadiya M, Gao Y, Sinha S, Hu J, Jiang C, Akram M, Brogi E, Leitinger B, and Giancotti FG#. Multi-organ Site Metastatic Reactivation Mediated by Non-canonical Discoidin Domain Receptor 1 Signaling. Cell 2016;166(1):47-62. [Research Watch in Cancer Discov.; Editor's Choice in Science Signaling; BoneKEy Watch in IBMS BONEKEY].

(# corresponding author) (* equal contributions)

4. Gao H#, Chakraborty G, Lee-Lim AP, Mavrakis KJ, Wendel HG, and Giancotti FG#. Forward genetic screens in mice uncover mediators and suppressors of metastatic reactivation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2014; 111 (46) 16532-16537.

(# corresponding author)

5. Gao H, Chakraborty G, Lee-Lim AP, Mo Q, Decker M,  Vonica A, Shen R, Brogi E, Brivanlou AH, and Giancotti FG.  The BMP Inhibitor Coco Reactivates Breast Cancer Cells at Lung Metastatic sites.  Cell 2012;150(4):764-79.                     [Research Watch in Cancer Discov.; Research Highlight in Nat. Rev. Cancer; Editor’s Choice in The Scientist; Recommended F1000].

6. Gao H*, Sun Y*, Wu Y, Luan B, Wang Y, Qu B, and Pei G.  Identification of beta-arrestin 2 as a G-protein-coupled receptor-stimulated regulator of NF-kB pathways.  Mol. Cell 2004;14(3):303-17.

(* equal contributions)

7. Wang P*, Gao H*, Ni Y, Wang B, Wu Y, Ji L, Qin L, Ma L, and Pei G.  Beta-Arrestin 2 functions as a G-protein-coupled receptor-activated regulator of oncoprotein Mdm2.  J. Biol. Chem. 2003;278: 6363-70.

(* equal contributions)


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